Resource Description
Data Reporting Portal for the CA Hub and Spoke System This is the link to the Data Reporting Portal maintained by UCLA. Each subgrantee funded by H&SS should submit data to this website on a quarterly basis.
Hub and Spoke Fillable Data Form This is a fillable template or form that can be used to collect the subgrantee-specific information submitted on a quarterly basis to the Data Reporting Portal maintained by UCLA.
SOR3 H&SS Data Portal Reporting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) This document provides insight into some questions that are commonly asked about submitting data to the SOR3 H&SS Data Portal managed by UCLA ISAP
SOR3 H&SS UCLA Data Portal Dashboard Links for Sites This PDF is a list of the links for each H&SS-funded site for a dashboard view of data submitted to the UCLA Data Reporting Portal for SOR2 H&SS. Each site has a unique password that was emailed to you by UCLA in September 2023. If you do not have the password, email your H&SS Grantee Liaison.